-- card: 7268 from stack: in.1 -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 2731 -- name: -- part contents for background part 54 ----- text ----- ADVENTURE -- part contents for background part 61 ----- text ----- Thank you for trying THE MOVIE STACK for the hard core movie goer this stack can come in handy come time for rentals. For hard core renters it comes in handy come time for re-renting! The stack is pretty self explanitory and easy enough for most every form of intellegent life... although it is not recomended for use by whales. The "eye" button does nothing useful. There will be updates comming for your enjoyment. Who knows what they'll be like? I certantly don't. We'll all be suprised! Any Suggestions? Write to me by mail or genie! THANKS -- part contents for card part 3 ----- text ----- MIKE MILLAR PO Box 2184 La Habra, CA. 90632 -- part contents for background part 68 ----- text ----- Millar Millar PO Box 2184 La Habra, CA. 90632 GENIE ADRESS M.Millar -- part contents for background part 59 ----- text ----- WELCOME TO MIKE'S MOVIE STACK! THE PERFECT STACK TO KEEP TRACK OF YOUR MOVIE REVEIWS! This stack is 99.99% shareware! Only $2 That's 99.40% less than PageMaker® if you use it (or pick it's brains out) Become a registered user! -- part contents for background part 32 ----- text -----